1 条学生反馈
我现在就读于多大密村,这边不像主校那么繁华也没有主校那么难。相对好进入并且好毕业一点。我修了双专业,CS和MATH 平时除了回家能打几把dota基本没有其它时间去娱乐。所以想让准备去多大读书的学弟学妹们知道,你们的噩梦才刚刚开始,不说了我去写作业了…………
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We recommend you to check details of Pricing Plans before changing. Click Here
耶鲁大学 Yale University 是一所坐落于美国康乃狄克州纽黑文市的私立研究型大学,是美洲大学协会的十四个创始校之一,及著名体育赛事联盟常春藤盟校的成员。学校最初于 1701 年 10 月 9 日,以“大学学院”之名成立,是全美第三古老的高等学府。校方为了感谢伊利胡·耶鲁(英属东印度公司总裁)的捐助,而在 1718 年改名为“耶鲁学院”。
毕业于耶鲁大学的著名人士来自不同学术范畴:这包括了 5 位美国总统、15 名最高法院大法官、多个国家政治要员及13位在世的亿万富豪,230 位罗德学者是此校的师生或校友。截止 2020 年 10 月,在耶鲁大学的校友、教授及研究人员中,共有 65 名诺贝尔奖得主、5 位菲尔兹奖得主、3 位图灵奖得主。
ARWU 软科世界大学学术排名
世界第 11
U.S. News 世界大学排名
世界第 11
世界第 8
QS 世界大学排名
世界第 17
耶鲁大学最初由康涅狄格州公理会教友于1701年创立,1716年迁至康涅狄格州的纽黑文 New Haven。
耶鲁大学在视觉艺术领域的研究始于 1832 年特朗布尔艺廊的启用。美国慈善家Augustus Russell Street 于 1864 年捐赠一笔款项用于建立艺术学院,学院建立之初于由艺术委员会管理,委员会其中一成员萨缪尔·摩斯,同时也是摩斯密码发明人,即为耶鲁大学校友。同为耶鲁大学校友的安德鲁·迪克森·怀特当时受学院教职员之请求担任首任学院院长,但怀特婉拒该职,选择接下康乃尔大学首任校长的职位。学院于 1869 年启用时,为美国第一所隶属于高等教育机构的艺术学院,提供素描、绘画、雕塑以及艺术史等课程。
1908 年学院开始教授建筑课程并于 1916 年成立建筑系,由 Everett Victor Meeks担任系主任。在 George Pierce Baker 的带领下艺术学院另于 1925 年增设戏剧系,拥有独立系馆。戏剧系于 1955 年脱离艺术学院,独立为戏剧学院。平面设计(原平面艺术)学系则在 Alvin Eisenman 的带领下设立于 1951 年,为美国第一个平面设计硕士课程。
1959 年艺术暨建筑学院正式成为研究生专业学院,四年后耶鲁艺术暨建筑学院大楼在各方争议声中启用,该建筑由 Paul Rudolph 设计,建筑风格被归类为现代主义建筑流派下的粗野主义。
1972 年,艺术学院与建筑学院正式分家,此时期两学院仍一起共用艺术暨建筑学院大楼,直到 2000 年艺术学院位于邻近的教堂街的系馆正式启用。名为 Green Hall 的系馆目前由平面设计与摄影系的硕、学士班学生使用,绘画暨版画系位于 Green Hall 后方拥有该系之独立系馆。雕塑系之独立系馆则位于邻近的 Edgewood 街上。
Lux et veritas 中文译为“真理和光明”
耶鲁大学弥漫古典浪漫的校园环境极其著名。而一些现代建筑也常被作为建筑史中的典范出现在教科书中,其中包括路易·康设计的耶鲁大学美术馆、耶鲁大学英国艺术中心;Eero Saarinen 设计的 Ingalls 滑冰场、Ezra Stiles 学院和 Morse 学院;以及由 Paul Rudolph 设计的艺术和建筑系大楼。
耶鲁大多数古建筑都为哥特式风格,多建于 1917-1931 年期间。大量的浮雕都展现了当时的大学生活:有冥思苦想的作家、狂奔着的运动员、喝茶的交际花、读书时打磕睡的学生等等。在耶鲁大学法学院大楼的雕刻上,也展现了当代的一些场景,包括警察追逐强盗和逮捕娼妓的场面。建筑师 James Gamble Rogers 为了使建筑显得老旧,采用了在石质墙面上泼酸、故意打破玻璃并且使用中世纪的方法补合,并且还人为的添加了许多空的装饰性壁龛,仿佛雕塑已经失落很久。虽然耶鲁大学中心校园的大多建筑都呈现中世纪的建筑风格,使用大型的石材,而事实上大多都采用的是 1930 年通用的钢结构框架,唯一的例外是哈克尼斯塔,高 216 英尺。在建造时曾经是世界上最高的全石质结构。该塔在 1964 年加固,以在其内部安装耶鲁纪念组钟,共计 54 口。今日该钟每日在中午 12 点 30 分和下午 5 点整由耶鲁大学的一个专门学生团体奏响,选奏的音乐从经典组钟乐到披头士都有选择。
而校园内最古老的一幢建筑却属于佐治亚风格,而看起来也似乎更为现代。这座称为 “Connecticut Hall” 的建筑建于 1750 年,现坐落于 Old Campus 中,为哲学系所在地。校园里其他的佐治亚风格的建筑包括 Timothy Dwight、College Pierson College 和 Davenport College。
Beinecke 古籍善本图书馆由 Gordon Bunshaft 设计,是当今世界上最大的专门收藏古籍善本的图书馆。图书馆地面以上六层的书库由一个玻璃的立方体环绕,而玻璃立方的外面则有一个更大的与之不接触的“盒子”罩住。这座建筑的墙壁是由两英尺见方的产自佛蒙特州的半透明大理石构成,因此可以使馆内微亮而防止阳光中的其他有害射线破坏馆藏图书。
申请截止日期: 秋季为每年 1 月中。
Your portfolio should be a collection of visual work – professional, experimental, commissioned, and self-initiated – that demonstrates your experience, skills and passions in the field of design and related disciplines. Of particular interest is work that is personally-driven and challenges norms of conventional professional practice. Our community is built on values of diversity and dexterity in visual communication and scholarship, and we are seeking individuals with great curiosity, creativity, ambition, and depth of commitment. Your portfolio should represent a well-rounded portrait of who you are, where your interests lie, and communicate a strong sense of how you might develop your practice in this program.
Upload up to 20 still images and/or videos (but not only videos) that represent your strongest work, with an emphasis on recent work from the last few years. Please note that the Slate viewer, which the admissions committee uses to assess your work, automatically sequences your work from most recent to oldest. There is not the ability to override this function.
The portfolio submission interface will prompt you to label each image with a title, date, medium, and a brief description of the work (please do not embed your name in the work title or description). Work titles should be limited to 30 characters, and descriptions to one concise sentence.
As it’s necessary to review portfolios quickly and at a relatively small scale, we strongly encourage you to present work large within the frame, and in a simple and clear manner, so as to maximize our understanding. Generally-speaking, single images with one view of a project work best to achieve this. Split or composite images can make details or complex works difficult to appreciate and may risk being overlooked or misunderstood, so use these only sparingly.
When presenting books or pamphlets, prepare a few representative images that best capture its primary features, or alternatively make a short video showing a range of spreads. For interactive media, stills are helpful, but we encourage making a short video that captures the user experience. For complex systems-related or identity projects, highlight just the strongest components in a few images, and for three-dimensional works, show the surrounding context so material and scale relationships are clear.
All digital files must adhere strictly to the specifications outlined below.
It’s critical that you do not format images in a presentation program (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote, PDF). PDFs and presentation program formats are not viewable in our system; only the first page/slide will display. Do not include the title or caption in the image file as it will decrease the available image area. Still image files may be sent in jpeg, png, bmp, or tiff format, and each image file may be no larger than 16 MB.
Videos will be accepted in QuickTime (preferred), AVI, FLV, MP4, or WMV format. Video files should be no longer than two minutes in length, and the size of your video uploads is limited to 64 MB. If you upload a video that is longer than two minutes, it will automatically time out at two minutes. Please note that videos are considered as part of your selection of twenty file uploads and should not be used as a method of showing examples of additional still images. Do not include captions within the video files.
If you wish to submit longer videos you may post them to your web site and provide links at the end of your statement.
Both the content and design of your résumé is assessed. It should not be longer than 2 pages.
Portfolios are submitted online as part of the online application. The portfolio submission interface will allow you to label each image with a title, a date of completion, the materials used, and a brief description of the work. Please do not embed your name in the titles of your work and limit titles to thirty (30) characters. Digital files must adhere strictly to the specifications outlined below.
Upload a total of sixteen (16) still images and/or moving image files. Only work completed within the last three years should be included, and at least half (8) should be work made in the last twelve months. In the review process, the admissions committee is concerned with scale and the tactility of the work. For this reason, paintings and drawings must be photographed showing the edge of the work. Paintings and drawings must not be digitally masked in black to the edges of the work. Three-dimensional works should also show the surrounding space and context. Do not include detail photos of work in your portfolio unless you consider them absolutely necessary. Under no circumstance should more than two detail shots be included. If you are presenting both still and moving images, please present them in two groups with all still images followed by all moving images. Within these groups, place all still and/or moving image files in chronological order starting with the oldest and ending with the most recent work. Chronological order of year is embedded in our system, and you will not be able to override it.
To conform to our viewing format, each still image file may be no larger than 16 MB. Do not format images in any presentation program (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote), or include composite images (more than one work per file). Still image files may be sent in jpeg, png, bmp, or tiff format. GIF format is not compatible with our application interface.
Videos will be accepted in QuickTime (preferred), AVI, FLV, MP4, or WMV format. Video files should be no longer than one minute in length, and the size of your video uploads is limited to 64 MB. If you upload a video that is longer than one minute, it will automatically time out at one minute. Please note that videos are considered as part of your selection of sixteen files and should not be used as a method of showing examples of additional still images. Do not include titles or credits within the video files. GIF format is not compatible with our application interface.
If you are primarily a video artist and wish to submit a longer video, you may post the video to your own Website and provide the link at the end of your statement.
Portfolios are submitted online as part of the online application. The portfolio submission interface will allow you to label each image with a title, a date of completion, the materials used, and a brief description of the work. Please do not embed your name in the titles of your work and limit titles to thirty (30) characters. Digital files must adhere strictly to the specifications outlined below.
Upload a total of twenty (20) still images and/or moving image files. A significant number of the images should represent work done within the last twelve months. If you are presenting both still and moving images, please present them in two groups with all still images followed by all moving images. Within these groups, place all still and/or moving image files in chronological order starting with the oldest and ending with the most recent work. Chronological order of year is embedded in our system, and you will not be able to override it.
To conform to our viewing format, each still image file may be no larger than 16 MB. Do not format images in any presentation program (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote), or include composite images (more than one work per file). Still image files may be sent in jpeg, png, bmp, or tiff format.
Videos will be accepted in QuickTime (preferred), AVI, FLV, MP4, or WMV format. Video files should be no longer than two minutes in length, and the size of your video uploads is limited to 64 MB. If you upload a video that is longer than two minutes, it will automatically time out at two minutes. Please note that videos are considered as part of your selection of twenty files and should not be used as a method of showing examples of additional still images. Do not include titles or credits within the video files.
If you are primarily a video artist and wish to submit a longer video, you may post the video to your own Web site and provide the link at the end of your statement.
1 条学生反馈
我现在就读于多大密村,这边不像主校那么繁华也没有主校那么难。相对好进入并且好毕业一点。我修了双专业,CS和MATH 平时除了回家能打几把dota基本没有其它时间去娱乐。所以想让准备去多大读书的学弟学妹们知道,你们的噩梦才刚刚开始,不说了我去写作业了…………
1 条学生反馈
需要申主校Rotaman是要录视频的。你首先要有个电脑可以有摄像头和麦克风,网速要好。一Video和两个Essay。一个是100字20分钟内写完,一个是250字30分钟写完。题目我记得我当时做的事,你最尊敬的人,和珍惜的物品。video是 make an impression的一次经历。一分钟准备录两分钟。然后随便写个Feedback就可以了。其实准备充分问题不大的
1 条学生反馈
我目前是utm大三ccit和eco的double major的学生,高中从多伦多毕业,大一的时候来到mississauga这个陌生的城市感觉很孤独,后来慢慢认识了学校里的同学。每天一起泡图书馆复习,一起赶due,一起打狼人杀。可以说是一段痛并快乐着的经历哈哈哈。给utm4星可能就是因为mississauga这边实在没啥好吃的吧 :)))
23 条学生反馈
2009年进多大,2013年Rotman毕业…太多想说的反倒没什么可说,主校区百余栋建筑没谁在毕业前走过;忘不了Robarts门口每日定点守候的餐车;透过图书馆落地窗看过的日升日落… 反正是人生中最难忘怀的4年。
1 条学生反馈
2012-2016在utm度过 整个学校坐落在森林里 比较安静 而且经常能看见野生的鹿在学校里走 比较酷眩。教学楼都很新 有些在我走的时候还在建造 现在估计造完了 所以设施来说没得说。gym也是多大三个校区里最好的 可是平时比较懒 没怎么去~ 对于周边生活来说 吃饭的点无非黄金广场周边那几家 最近也有新开几家别的餐厅 可以叫FoodHwy点餐平台 也算比较方便啦。逛街的话有sq1 但是相比起来我还是prefer稍远一点的sherwaygarden 那个mall超高大上 推荐一下~ 总体来说在utm的四年下来还是很愉快的。推荐五星好评~ 有miss的大小事可以滴滴我 wx:309437451
1 条学生反馈
多大有三个校区,外面都传言两个分校比较水,但实际去过才会知道一点都不简单!每学期都有学长跟我说有水课,但教授出题仍然难得要死,天天都在忙着赶due ,所谓的简单只是相对于那些学霸来说的。要是想拿个不错的成绩,天天熬夜就更是少不了的,考试之前基本就是每天睡在图书馆的
1 条学生反馈