1 条学生反馈
我现在就读于多大密村,这边不像主校那么繁华也没有主校那么难。相对好进入并且好毕业一点。我修了双专业,CS和MATH 平时除了回家能打几把dota基本没有其它时间去娱乐。所以想让准备去多大读书的学弟学妹们知道,你们的噩梦才刚刚开始,不说了我去写作业了…………
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We recommend you to check details of Pricing Plans before changing. Click Here
纽约大学是纽约市的一所私立研究型大学。纽约大学历史悠久的校园位于格林威治村,于 1831 年成立。由一群著名的商人,银行家和交易员成立的机构,是一家“基于才能而不是与生俱来的权利或社会阶层来承认”的机构。纽约大学每年会收到美国所有私人机构中最多的申请,并且录取被认为是高度选择性的。该大学在纽约,阿布扎比和上海设有授予学位的校园,并在超过 25 个国家/地区设有 11 个全球学术中心和研究计划。纽约大学还是纽约市最大的雇主之一,拥有超过 19,000 名员工。
纽约大学的纽约市校园包括分布在曼哈顿和布鲁克林之间的 171 多个建筑物。曼哈顿的大部分学校建筑都位于大约 93 万平方米的区域内,该区域以南部的休斯顿街,以东的百老汇,以北的第 14 街和以南的第六大道为边界直至西方。纽约大学的核心包括围绕华盛顿广场公园的建筑物。
最新年份 | 排名 | ||
2020-2021年 | QS 世界大学艺术与设计专业 | 世界第 44 | |
2020-2021年 | 泰晤士高等教育世界艺术大学排名 | 世界第 16 | |
2020-2021年 | USNEWS 美国新闻与世界报道艺术大学 | 全美第 42 | |
2020-2021年 | Universities.com 大学网艺术大学排行 | 全美第 2 | |
2020-2021年 | 艺术生涯计划艺术大学排行 | 全美前 25 |
1896年,学校正式更名为纽约大学。 成立之初的几年里,学校的规模在华盛顿广场附近逐渐扩大。而随着纽约市对北方上城区的开发,纽约大学购买了布朗克斯区大学高地附近的土地。
意大利裔美国电影制片人,导演和演员; AFI终身成就奖获得者,20届奥斯卡奖获得者,23届BAFTA获奖者,11届金球奖获得者
美国作曲家,词曲作者和唱片制作人; 8次获得奥斯卡金像奖得主,11个格莱美奖得主,托尼奖得主
美国时装设计师兼电影制片人;古驰(Gucci)和伊夫·圣洛朗(Yves Saint Laurent)的前创意总监
古尔德广场(Gould Plaza)位于华盛顿广场东与西4街美世街之间,四周是纽约大学艺术与科学学院,斯特恩商学院和库兰特数学科学学院某些系的建筑。由于在学年期间学生流量大,古尔德广场已成为纽约大学学生的热门聚会场所。
纽约大学布鲁克林校区位于城市学术工业研究园区MetroTech Center。它位于Jay Street-MetroTech站的顶部,距离布鲁克林大桥只有几个街区,并且通过NYU穿梭巴士系统连接到NYU的曼哈顿校园。它拥有坦登工程学院,城市科学与进步中心以及蒂施艺术学院和斯坦哈特文化学院,教育与人类发展学院的学位课程。
NYU Tandon School of Engineering’s Spring Program for Extending Reality Through Virtual Worlds is a 4-month, 8-class online program that introduces high-school students to the fundamentals of designing and developing augmented reality (AR) based experiences with a focus on developing basic applications and games.
Term: Spring
Program Duration: 4 months
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit or Non-Credit: Non-Credit
Cost: $2,000
The Future Artists Programs at NYU Tisch School of the Arts are free arts workshops taught by undergraduate faculty to high school students on Saturdays in the spring semester. The following workshops will be offered remotely online in spring 2021: Dance, Drama, Recorded Music, Filmmaking, Dramatic Writing, and Game Design. Our mission is to provide free arts education to qualifying students in the greater New York City Metropolitan area.
Program Duration: 14 Weeks on Saturdays from February – May
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11
Credit or Non-Credit: Non-Credit
Cost: Free
Visionary Studio: Saturday Art Workshop offers classes to high school students that infuse issues of social justice into a dynamic art-making practice. Participating students explore significant social themes (Reimaging NYC, Imagining the human body, Activism in visual art, Climate change, etc.) and draw upon a rich array of innovative, multidisciplinary approaches through which they can visually express their ideas.
Program Duration: February-May, Saturday Mornings
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit or Non-Credit: Non-Credit
Cost: Free
Be a part of an online film crew in the Tisch Online High School Filmmakers Workshop. Learn storytelling through visual language as you direct, shoot, and edit short films and music videos.
Program Duration: 6-weeks (online)
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit or Non-Credit: Credit
Cost: $6,868 (includes tuition and registration and service fees)
Learn the fundamentals of writing for film and television as you develop story ideas and characters. A complete synopsis of a feature film and television series.
Program Duration: 6-weeks (online)
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit or Non-Credit: Credit
Cost: $6,868 (includes tuition and registration and service fees)
Earn credits and train in acting, dance, design, dramatic writing, filmmaking, game design, photography and imaging, production and design, or recorded music with one of the top art schools in the country, the Tisch School of the Arts.
Program Duration: 4-weeks
Grade Level: 10, 11
Credit or Non-Credit: Credit
Cost: $12,000 – $13,000, depending on program specific fees
Located in NYU’s internationally recognized Art and Art Professions Department, this 4-week program is designed to provide students interested in the broad scope of Visual Arts an introduction to the experience of being an art student at a prestigious New York City institution.
NYU High School Summer Art Intensive will return to on-campus instruction in Summer 2022. Please refer to NYU Virtual Art Program for an online version of the program that will run in 2021.
Program Duration: 4-weeks
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Credit or Non-Credit: Non-Credit
Cost: $6,200
The NYU Virtual Summer Art Program is an online program for High School Students who are interested in exploring the variety and depth that the field of fine arts has to offer. This program is designed to enhance your technical and creative skills and to expand your knowledge of visual art, history and culture.
Program duration: 4 Weeks
Grade level: 9, 10, 11
Credit or non-credit: Non-credit
Cost: $3,000
Learn from game design and coding experts from the CREATE lab at NYU how to design games and how to code! In this two-week session, participants will learn about the elements of game design, will be introduced to Unity, and will code their own game.
Program Duration: 2-weeks
Grade: 10, 11, 12
Credit or Noncredit: Non-credit
Cost: $2,400
Be a part of an online film crew in the Tisch Online High School Filmmakers Workshop. Learn storytelling through visual language as you direct, shoot, and edit short films and music videos.
Program Duration: 6-weeks (online)
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit or Non-Credit: Credit
Cost: $6,868 (includes tuition and registration and service fees)
Learn the fundamentals of writing for film and television as you develop story ideas and characters. Complete a synopsis of a feature film and television series.
Program Duration: 6-weeks (online)
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Credit or Non-Credit: Credit
Cost: $6,868 (includes tuition and registration and service fees)
Your portfolio must include:
12-15 images of recent artworks done in any medium. Each image must contain the work’s title, year completed, medium and size (ex. Self Portrait, 2018, Oil on Canvas, 11”x14”). You have the option to include videos in your portfolio. Videos can be a compilation of various works, but the total runtime cannot exceed five minutes.
For first-year applicants, a one-page “Statement of Purpose” describing:
For transfer applicants, a one-page “Transfer Statement” describing:
Summary of previous and/or current course work taken in art including all college-level studio art, art history, and/or art theory classes. List in the following format: class title, semester taken, grade received/in progress.
Respond to this prompt:
Respond to all of the following questions.
At least 10 images should be on a single theme. Title or caption each of your images. Include a brief description with the medium/format (analog, digital, etc.) and indicate which 10 images are within the single theme. You will be asked to explain your chosen series in your written statement.
We also accept submission of new and interactive media based work, sound and video art. If appropriate, include link in the caption. You may include up to 5 non-photo based images (painting, sculpture, collage, installation, drawing, etc.), but if you choose to do so, you must submit a total of 20 images.
Choose ONE of the following formats (i.e., do not combine video and photography):
Video: The submission should contain one complete narrative or documentary film with a total running time that does not exceed 15 minutes. Video footage of staged plays or theatre performances is not acceptable.
Photography (Stills): No more than 10 prints on any subject, black and white or color, with or without commentary may be submitted. The photographs may also be a presentation of work in other media, such as painting, illustration, sculpture, set design, costume design, etc.
You must submit ALL of the following:
Dramatic Story:The Dramatic story is a required short narrative writing exercise. Write a two page story which builds dramatic tension and ends with one of these lines:
“So I took the pair of sneakers, and never looked back.”
“I think Mom is psychic.”
“Any questions?”
“And for the first time ever, I put on a mask.”
“Life isn’t meant to be fair.”
“I still don’t trust you, but OK.”
“Now I see it!”
“We bumped elbows and split.”
Format for the Dramatic Story: 2 pages, double-spaced. (Save as a pdf and upload to tischfilmandtv.slideroom.com.)
Dialogue Scene: Write an interesting conversation between two people that reveals something about the characters. You can give a one sentence description of each character, but please include only essential details. Do not write back story. Write a maximum of two pages in screenwriting format.
Describe one concept for a feature-length script, narrative film, or documentary that you would like to develop. Write no more than one page, typed, double-spaced.
Photograph: Include a photograph of yourself
1 条学生反馈
我现在就读于多大密村,这边不像主校那么繁华也没有主校那么难。相对好进入并且好毕业一点。我修了双专业,CS和MATH 平时除了回家能打几把dota基本没有其它时间去娱乐。所以想让准备去多大读书的学弟学妹们知道,你们的噩梦才刚刚开始,不说了我去写作业了…………
1 条学生反馈
需要申主校Rotaman是要录视频的。你首先要有个电脑可以有摄像头和麦克风,网速要好。一Video和两个Essay。一个是100字20分钟内写完,一个是250字30分钟写完。题目我记得我当时做的事,你最尊敬的人,和珍惜的物品。video是 make an impression的一次经历。一分钟准备录两分钟。然后随便写个Feedback就可以了。其实准备充分问题不大的
1 条学生反馈
我目前是utm大三ccit和eco的double major的学生,高中从多伦多毕业,大一的时候来到mississauga这个陌生的城市感觉很孤独,后来慢慢认识了学校里的同学。每天一起泡图书馆复习,一起赶due,一起打狼人杀。可以说是一段痛并快乐着的经历哈哈哈。给utm4星可能就是因为mississauga这边实在没啥好吃的吧 :)))
23 条学生反馈
2009年进多大,2013年Rotman毕业…太多想说的反倒没什么可说,主校区百余栋建筑没谁在毕业前走过;忘不了Robarts门口每日定点守候的餐车;透过图书馆落地窗看过的日升日落… 反正是人生中最难忘怀的4年。
1 条学生反馈
2012-2016在utm度过 整个学校坐落在森林里 比较安静 而且经常能看见野生的鹿在学校里走 比较酷眩。教学楼都很新 有些在我走的时候还在建造 现在估计造完了 所以设施来说没得说。gym也是多大三个校区里最好的 可是平时比较懒 没怎么去~ 对于周边生活来说 吃饭的点无非黄金广场周边那几家 最近也有新开几家别的餐厅 可以叫FoodHwy点餐平台 也算比较方便啦。逛街的话有sq1 但是相比起来我还是prefer稍远一点的sherwaygarden 那个mall超高大上 推荐一下~ 总体来说在utm的四年下来还是很愉快的。推荐五星好评~ 有miss的大小事可以滴滴我 wx:309437451
1 条学生反馈
多大有三个校区,外面都传言两个分校比较水,但实际去过才会知道一点都不简单!每学期都有学长跟我说有水课,但教授出题仍然难得要死,天天都在忙着赶due ,所谓的简单只是相对于那些学霸来说的。要是想拿个不错的成绩,天天熬夜就更是少不了的,考试之前基本就是每天睡在图书馆的
1 条学生反馈