
1 条学生反馈
我现在就读于多大密村,这边不像主校那么繁华也没有主校那么难。相对好进入并且好毕业一点。我修了双专业,CS和MATH 平时除了回家能打几把dota基本没有其它时间去娱乐。所以想让准备去多大读书的学弟学妹们知道,你们的噩梦才刚刚开始,不说了我去写作业了…………
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We recommend you to check details of Pricing Plans before changing. Click Here
圣迭戈加利福尼亚大学 是美国一所著名公立研究型大学。成立于 1960 年,最初与斯克里普斯海洋研究所相邻,是加州大学系统中第七个成立的校区。同时,依据卡内基高等教育机构分级,为全美 131 所“最高学术产出”的学府之一。
加州大学柏克莱分校校友和教职员工包括 110 名诺贝尔奖获得者(34 名校友),25 名图灵奖获得者(11 名校友),14 名菲尔德斯奖得主,28 名沃尔夫奖获奖者,103 名麦克阿瑟“天才助学金”获得者,30 名普利策奖得主和 19 名学院获奖者。该大学培养了七位国家元首或政府首脑。五名首席大法官,包括美国首席大法官伯爵·沃伦; 20 名内阁级官员;11 名州长;和 25 位在世的亿万富翁。
最新年份 | 排名 | ||
2020-2021年 | QS 高等教育世界排名 | 世界第 54 | |
2020-2021年 | 泰晤士高等教育排名 | 世界第 33 全美第 39 |
2020-2021年 | USNEWS 美国新闻最佳型大学 | 世界第 21 全美第 35 |
2020-2021年 | 福布斯美国顶尖研究型大学 | 全美第 79 | |
2020-2021年 | ARWU 世界大学学术排名 | 世界第 18 全美第 14 |
早期的研究活动和教师素质(尤其是科学领域的)对于塑造大学的重点和文化至关重要。甚至在加州大学圣地亚哥分校还没有自己的校园之前,教职员工就已经取得了重大的研究突破,例如“基林曲线”,该图绘制了大气中迅速增加的二氧化碳含量,并且是全球气候变化的第一个重要证据。 Kohn-Sham方程,用于研究量子化学中的特定原子和分子;以及米勒-尤里实验诞生了益生元化学领域。
随着它的成熟,工程学,特别是计算机科学,已成为大学学术的重要组成部分。大学研究人员帮助开发了UCSD Pascal,这是一种早期的与机器无关的编程语言,后来严重影响了Java;国家科学基金会网络,Internet的前身;以及1970年代末至1980年代的网络新闻传输协议。在经济学中,开发了分析具有时变波动率(ARCH)和共同趋势(协整)的经济时间序列的方法。加州大学圣地亚哥分校成立以来一直保持其研究的强烈性格,在50年的历史中累积了25位诺贝尔奖获得者。每十年五个的比率。
在1980年至1995年由理查德·阿特金森担任校长期间,该大学通过鼓励与发展中公司的技术转让来巩固与圣地亚哥市的联系,从而使圣地亚哥成为基于技术的行业的世界领导者。他负责工程学院的快速扩张,后来以高通创始人Irwin M. Jacobs的名字更名,并建设了圣地亚哥超级计算机中心,并建立了计算机科学,电气工程和生物工程部门。私人捐款从每年1,500万美元增加到每年近5,000万美元,师资队伍增长了近50%,在他执政期间,在校生增加了一倍,达到约18,000名学生。在他担任总理之前,加州大学圣地亚哥分校研究生课程的质量在美国国家研究委员会的评选中名列全国第十。
在新千年的第一个十年中,该大学继续进行进一步的扩展,建立并建造了两个新的专业学校,即斯卡格斯药房学院和拉迪管理学院,以及加州电信和信息技术学院与加州大学尔湾分校联合运营。加州大学圣地亚哥分校在此期间也达到了两个财务里程碑,成为西部地区第一所在 2007 年开展的八年筹款活动中筹集超过 10 亿美元资金的大学,并且还通过研究合同和赠款获得了额外的 10 亿美元资金。在 2010 年首次是一个会计年度。尽管如此,由于加利福尼亚州预算危机,该大学在 2009 年从其自有资产中借出了 4000 万美元,以抵消州教育拨款的大幅减少。
哈罗德·尤里:1934 年诺贝尔化学奖得主。
莱纳斯·鲍林:1954 年诺贝尔化学奖得主,1962 年诺贝尔和平奖得主。
马里奥·莫利纳:1995 年诺贝尔化学奖得主之一。
保罗·克鲁岑:1995 年诺贝尔化学奖得主。
沃尔特·科恩:1998 年诺贝尔化学奖得主之一。
钱永健:2008 年诺贝尔化学奖得主之一。
威廉·莫尔纳尔:2014 年诺贝尔化学奖得主之一。
弗朗西斯·克里克:1962 年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主之一。
罗纳托·杜尔贝科:1975 年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主之一。
乔治·埃米尔·帕拉德:1974 年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主之一。
利根川进:1987 年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主。
布鲁斯·比尤特勒:2011 年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主之一。
玛丽亚·格佩特-梅耶:1963 年诺贝尔物理奖得主之一。
汉尼斯·阿尔文:1970 年诺贝尔物理奖得主之一。
哈利·马可维兹:1990 年诺贝尔经济学奖得主之一。
克莱夫·格兰杰:2003 年诺贝尔经济学奖得主之一。
罗伯特·F·恩格尔:2003 年诺贝尔经济学奖得主之一。
在 1964 年,学校刚开始授课的时候,圣迭戈加州大学只包含了瑞弗尔学院(Revelle College)和斯克里普斯海洋研究所。而随着学校招生人数的攀升,校园的占地也随之不断增大。在 1960 至 1990 年间,不断有新的本科生学院开设,使得本来沿着 5 号州际公路建立的学校不断地向东西延拓。
1982 年,学校合并了原有的两个工程学系建立了新的工程学院。而出于工程学院的学术研究和产业连携需求,也有许多新的设施不断被建造后投入使用。其中主要有 1986 年建成的圣迭戈超级计算机中心、2003 年建成的鲍威尔-福熙生物工程楼、和 2012 年建成的结构和材料工程楼。此外,两个新的职业型研究学院、全球政策和策略学院和雷迪管理学院的落成,以及罗斯福学院的新增。这些建设使得校园不断向北扩展。
该大学校园面积约 2,141 英亩(866 公顷),内建的运动设施一应俱全,有两座游泳池、超过20 个场地的网球场、2 个运动跑道、举重与健身房、20 个以上壁球场、桌球、瑜伽室、篮球场、足球场等。其大学体育队名叫“特里顿”(Tritons),意为“海神之子”。
Course Number: ART-90065
Credit: 1.50 unit(s)
We will take a look at the roles that art has played throughout history. We will also discuss the purposes of art in the modern world, including relaxation, personal expression, and communication. Then students will learn techniques and develop skills needed for various art projects. They will take on independent projects using paper and mixed media. The class will allow students to develop fine tactile skills and to discover leisure activities that can help them reduce stress for years to come.
Course Number: CSE-90048
Credit: 1.50 unit(s)
We will start with an introduction to C++, including computer basics, operating systems and setting up an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Then we will compile and run our first program. Students will become familiar with basic programming concepts, including compilation, execution, flow control, functions, arrays, pointers, file I/O, structures and classes. No previous programming experience is required
UCLA Course Credit: DESMA 3 (4 units)
The UCLA Game Lab Summer Institute introduces high school students to game-making as a form of artistic practice, teaching them the techniques and tools that will help them develop analog and digital games that reflect their own creative voice and vision. No previous game-making skills are required, but students with an interest in games and in the visual arts, in particular, will find the curriculum especially stimulating and rewarding.
Course Number: THEA-90005
Credit: 1.50 unit(s)
Each day, students will tackle a different kind of acting. They will put on their dancing shoes to try out musical theater. They will explore stage acting, including some beginning Shakespeare. They will spend time investigating film and TV acting as well as acting for commercials. In addition, students will find out what a professional audition is like and learn how to do one successfully. The class offers a great way for students intrigued by the performing arts to discover where their strengths and interests lie.
Course Number: THEA-90003
Credit: 1.50 unit(s)
We will dissect scripts from popular films to find out what makes a good story and an engaging screenplay. Using the free platform Writer’s Duet, students will learn the accepted way to format a script. They will also gain an understanding of how to structure a screenplay and construct scenes with compelling characters, settings, dialogue and conflict. Through a variety of writing activities, students will sharpen their screenwriting skills. Finally, they will bring together everything they have learned as they storyboard, write and edit their own scripts.
Course Number: THEA-90004
Credit: 1.50 unit(s)
Students will get comfortable with improvisation as they perform a variety of spontaneous scenes. They will discover how to incorporate props, locations and characters into their scene creation. We will play acting games to strengthen students’ confidence and ability to think on their feet. Students will also learn how to use improv in auditions. The class will prepare students to take the next steps into the comic, creative world of improv.
Course Number: CSE-90052
Credit: 1.50 unit(s)
In this intermediate-level class, we will focus on front-end web development. Students will design a website for a business, a personal blog, a charity or some other purpose. They will use HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, GitHub and a text editor to code a website that will attract their target audience and incorporate different design elements. Students will learn basic HTML, CSS and website design concepts and identify how color, font and layout can be used for specific purposes in different kinds of websites. For their final project, they will create a live website hosted by GitHub on a topic of their choice. This course is designed for students who have some experience with website design and coding.
Course Number: CSE-90045
Credit: 1.50 unit(s)
As students learn to write code using Python, they will become familiar with concepts that apply to other coding languages, including variables, looping and condition statements. Students will consider what makes a good and then apply what they have learned by using Python to create simple games. They will practice debugging their code, and then they will share their games with classmates. The class is designed to be fun as well as informative.
Course Number: ENG-90019
Credit: 1.50 unit(s)
Using a variety of everyday materials, students will take on challenges such as “create a fall-proof skateboard” or “create an all-weather hat.” Art, science and engineering will come into play as students develop innovative solutions. As a final project, students will come up with an innovation or invention of their own. They will gain experience in product design, technical writing and art design as they develop their creations. Then they will present their inventions to a panel of classmates in a format similar to the television show “Shark Tank.”
Course Number: DSGN-90002
Credit: 1.50 unit(s)
Students will learn about architecture, social responsibility and community as they envision and design their own tiny houses. They will use recycled and found materials to build scale models of their houses. We will explore concepts including sustainability, functionality and how to incorporate natural light into a house design. Students will practice math skills as they scale their models and workforce skills as they complete their projects within time constraints. To refine their communication skills, students will present their tiny houses to the class. The course offers an inspiring introduction for students interested in architecture and sustainable design.
申请截止日期为每年 11 月低。
Things to consider: A leadership role can mean more than just a title. It can mean being a mentor to others, acting as the person in charge of a specific task, or taking the lead role in organizing an event or project. Think about what you accomplished and what you learned from the experience. What were your responsibilities?
Did you lead a team? How did your experience change your perspective on leading others? Did you help to resolve an important dispute at your school, church, in your community or an organization? And your leadership role doesn’t necessarily have to be limited to school activities. For example, do you help out or take care of your family?
Has your interest in the subject influenced you in choosing a major and/or future career? Have you been able to pursue coursework at a higher level in this subject (honors, AP, IB, college or university work)? Are you inspired to pursue this subject further at UC, and how might you do that?
From your point of view, what do you feel makes you an excellent choice for UC? Don’t be afraid to brag a little.
Students who select Visual Arts as their major when applying to UC San Diego will receive a notice through the UC Application site with information regarding the portfolio and link for submission. Please note, you can prepare your optional art portfolio in advance but will not be able to submit it until your UC Application has been completed.
Portfolio submission guidelines
1000 words maximum uploaded to the PORTFOLIO portion of the UC San Diego application
1. Still images (max 20) must be submitted in an acceptable format listed (jpg, jpeg, etc.)
2. File sizes may not exceed 5MB per file (larger files will take longer to upload)
3. Images must be correctly rotated for viewing.
4. After uploading an image, applicants should edit details to provide the title, date, dimensions and medium for each artwork. Applicants submitting images documenting installation, performance, and project-based work should also include brief descriptions.
1. Applicants with time based media must upload files (total length 12 minutes maximum).
2. For each submitted file, applicants should edit details to provide the title, date, duration of the work, medium and a brief description. In most cases, no more than twelve total minutes of time based work will be viewed.
3. Therefore, to best represent your practice, submit excerpts with running times of three minutes or less.
1 条学生反馈
我现在就读于多大密村,这边不像主校那么繁华也没有主校那么难。相对好进入并且好毕业一点。我修了双专业,CS和MATH 平时除了回家能打几把dota基本没有其它时间去娱乐。所以想让准备去多大读书的学弟学妹们知道,你们的噩梦才刚刚开始,不说了我去写作业了…………
1 条学生反馈
需要申主校Rotaman是要录视频的。你首先要有个电脑可以有摄像头和麦克风,网速要好。一Video和两个Essay。一个是100字20分钟内写完,一个是250字30分钟写完。题目我记得我当时做的事,你最尊敬的人,和珍惜的物品。video是 make an impression的一次经历。一分钟准备录两分钟。然后随便写个Feedback就可以了。其实准备充分问题不大的
1 条学生反馈
我目前是utm大三ccit和eco的double major的学生,高中从多伦多毕业,大一的时候来到mississauga这个陌生的城市感觉很孤独,后来慢慢认识了学校里的同学。每天一起泡图书馆复习,一起赶due,一起打狼人杀。可以说是一段痛并快乐着的经历哈哈哈。给utm4星可能就是因为mississauga这边实在没啥好吃的吧 :)))
23 条学生反馈
2009年进多大,2013年Rotman毕业…太多想说的反倒没什么可说,主校区百余栋建筑没谁在毕业前走过;忘不了Robarts门口每日定点守候的餐车;透过图书馆落地窗看过的日升日落… 反正是人生中最难忘怀的4年。
1 条学生反馈
2012-2016在utm度过 整个学校坐落在森林里 比较安静 而且经常能看见野生的鹿在学校里走 比较酷眩。教学楼都很新 有些在我走的时候还在建造 现在估计造完了 所以设施来说没得说。gym也是多大三个校区里最好的 可是平时比较懒 没怎么去~ 对于周边生活来说 吃饭的点无非黄金广场周边那几家 最近也有新开几家别的餐厅 可以叫FoodHwy点餐平台 也算比较方便啦。逛街的话有sq1 但是相比起来我还是prefer稍远一点的sherwaygarden 那个mall超高大上 推荐一下~ 总体来说在utm的四年下来还是很愉快的。推荐五星好评~ 有miss的大小事可以滴滴我 wx:309437451
1 条学生反馈
多大有三个校区,外面都传言两个分校比较水,但实际去过才会知道一点都不简单!每学期都有学长跟我说有水课,但教授出题仍然难得要死,天天都在忙着赶due ,所谓的简单只是相对于那些学霸来说的。要是想拿个不错的成绩,天天熬夜就更是少不了的,考试之前基本就是每天睡在图书馆的
1 条学生反馈