我现在就读于多大密村,这边不像主校那么繁华也没有主校那么难。相对好进入并且好毕业一点。我修了双专业,CS和MATH 平时除了回家能打几把dota基本没有其它时间去娱乐。所以想让准备去多大读书的学弟学妹们知道,你们的噩梦才刚刚开始,不说了我去写作业了…………
We recommend you to check details of Pricing Plans before changing. Click Here
We recommend you to check details of Pricing Plans before changing. Click Here
明尼阿波利斯艺术与设计学院是一所私立学院,专门从事视觉艺术,位于明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯。 明尼阿波利斯艺术与设计学院现有约 800 余名学生,提供绘画,动画,创业学习,版画,雕塑,造纸,摄影,电影制作,插画,平面设计,书籍艺术,家具设计,文科学习,漫画,产品设计,网页设计,及可持续设计。 明尼阿波利斯艺术与设计学院是为数不多的提供漫画专业的艺术学校。
自 1886 年以来,明尼阿波利斯艺术与设计学院是一所私立,非营利的四年制研究生院,一直是该地区杰出的艺术与设计教育家。如今, MCAD 已成为美术,设计,企业家精神和可持续发展教育方面的强大国家领导者。通过学位课程,继续教育课程,展览以及许多其他社区计划和活动,MCAD 通过创造力和目标改变了世界。
最新年份 | 排名 | ||
2020-2021年 | Clum Creative 顶尖电影学校 | 全美第 7 | |
2020-2021年 | CollegeFactual 大学实际网最佳艺术学院 | 全美第 18 | |
2020-2021年 | 大学杂志动画专业排行 | 全美第 3 | |
2020-2021年 | 动画职业评估论坛插画专业 | 全美第 17 |
明尼阿波利斯艺术与设计学院成立于 1886 年,由明尼阿波利斯美术馆董事会成员发起,原学院名为明尼阿波利斯纯艺术学校。 道格拉斯-福克,一位曾在法国巴黎学习,师从注明雕塑家让-里奥·杰洛姆的肖像画家成为了这所学校第一位校长。他的就职典礼在明尼阿波利斯市中心的一个公寓内举行,第一届入学学生共有 28 名学生,其中 26 名是女生。
1889 年 12 月,学校转移到了一个更稳定的地点,位于第十大道和汉尼斌大道交界处。1893 年,德裔画家和教育家罗伯特-寇乐从纽约来到明尼苏达并成为了下一任校长。在接下来的十年内,他开发了许多如今被称为艺术教育领域内的课程。至 20 世纪初,学院有两位指导员负责夏季课程,以及新增的给学生准备的夜校。1910 年,学校更名为明尼阿波利斯艺术学校以表示学校提供新的更广泛的艺术领域教育。
1915 年,学校搬迁到了明尼阿波利斯市中心以南一英里处,并在新建的明尼阿波利斯美术馆内假设教室。这个占地 10 英亩的美术馆和学校是由当地著名银行家和商人克林顿-莫里森于 1911 年捐赠给明尼阿波利斯市政府的。这块地原先坐落着莫里森的父亲,明尼阿波利斯市第一任市长,多里勒斯-莫里森和母亲哈莉叶特-普特南-怀特摩尔-莫里森的庄园。 莫里森的遗产现在由明尼阿波利斯公园与重建办公室代为打理,现在官方命名为多里勒斯-莫里森公园。
1916 年,学校新增了一栋相连的新教学楼,朱莉娅-莫里森纪念楼。该楼是由安格斯-沃什苯-莫里森博士和他的姐姐伊塞尔-莫里森-菀-德利普捐款给明尼阿波利斯美术馆简称的,意在纪念他们的母亲。莫里森楼包含了三个自然光展厅,数间行政办公室,工作室以及讲堂。
1970 年,学校更名为明尼阿波利斯艺术与设计学院,以反应其在艺术和文科领域的拓展。那时学校已有近 600 名学生,学校当时设施不足以满足需求,故于 1974 年由普利兹克建筑奖获得者,现代建筑师丹下健三设计扩建一系列“艺术综合体”建筑,包括儿童剧院公司,和一个明尼阿波利斯美术馆的主要拓展。
1988 年 7 月 1 日,明尼阿波利斯艺术与设计学院成为了独立机构,不再由明尼阿波利斯美术馆管辖。
2002 年,I.D. 杂志(The International Design Magazine)称明尼阿波利斯艺术与设计学院为美国前十的设计学院。
MCAD 位于明尼阿波利斯市中心以南的史蒂文斯大街 2501 号。它与明尼阿波利斯艺术学院和儿童剧院公司共享一个占地 18 英亩的艺术校园。 MCAD 校园由八栋建筑以及三英亩的草坪和花园组成。MCAD 拥有一个主要的画廊空间,一个在大厅上的画廊,一个室外雕塑花园以及由学生经营的 148 画廊。该学院举办当代艺术和设计展览,招待会,艺术家演讲以及其他免费向公众开放的活动。
MCAD 的电影制作专业人士会尽一切努力:写作,导演,制作,拍摄,剪辑,有时甚至是表演。磨练你的个人风格,将你的愿景变为现实-无论是音乐视频,纪录片,故事片还是其他东西。
MCAD 的电影制作专业人士会尽一切努力:写作,导演,制作,拍摄,剪辑,有时甚至是表演。磨练你的个人风格,将你的愿景变为现实-无论是音乐视频,纪录片,故事片还是其他东西。
MCAD 独特的漫画专业是为那些对讲故事和图像充满热情并希望在一个拥有强劲且不断发展的漫画场景的城市中的学生而设计的。
Drawing and Painting
Price: $410.00
People are drawn to watercolors due to their vibrant, delicate, and luminous qualities. Students in this class will work from observation, photographs, and their imaginations to create translucent works using this versatile medium. Students will learn traditional and non‐traditional approaches to watercolor painting, including how to transfer an existing drawing into the base for a painting, and how to execute washes and blends.
Graphic and Web Design
Price: $35.00
Knowing how to correctly use style sheets and master pages within Adobe InDesign saves time, reduces errors, and is a must when creating long documents. This class will concentrate on these advanced features in demonstrating how to create a multiple page book or magazine layout. / Each student will have access to Adobe Creative Cloud software throughout the class. /
Graphic and Web Design
Price: $35
Retouching and color-correcting images are two tasks beginning users are always anxious to learn as soon as possible. This class will present the most-used tools and techniques to do these tasks quickly with a high degree of ease and precision. / Each student will have access to Adobe Creative Cloud software throughout the class. /
If you are new to Adobe Lightroom, you will find that much of your time is spent in the Develop Module. Learn how to process and develop photos using the panels, brush tools, film strip, and presets within this most important module of Lightroom. / Each student will have access to Adobe Creative Cloud software throughout the class.
Explore the art of collage through an examination of the medium’s history and an exploration of smaller scale collage technique. Students will experiment with different collage techniques like chine colle and decoupage while using found objects, fabric, and mark making tools. Chine colle is an image transfer technique that creates unique images and textures that become significant elements in collage work.
Illustration and Comic Art
Price: $410.00
Characters are essential to making a successful story. In this ten-week course, students will observe and discuss ways in which creators establish characters in visual media, including film, animation, comics, and games. The course will feature some lecture, discussion of character development examples, writing, reference and drawing exercises, and sharing of student work. Production of a final character portfolio will include a brief written narrative and illustrations. / Each student will have access to Adobe Creative Cloud software throughout the class.
Pre-College Portfolio Preparation
Drawing and Painting
Price: $300.00
The portfolio is the single most important component of an art school application, and colleges across the nation are stepping up their requirements for admission. Most require several observational drawings, or drawings made from what we see, rather than from our imagination or a photograph. This online drawing class is designed to help motivated visual arts students develop exemplary observational drawings for their portfolios.
This introductory class is designed to provide an overview of painting fundamentals. Students will be exposed to a variety of approaches and techniques from past to present with a focus on color theory and the act of painting. Students will paint from photographs for visual reference and use prompts for more conceptual painting practice. Instruction will be driven by live demonstrations, lectures, and one-on-one coaching.
This course will guide students in using a multimedia approach to narrative art making. Explore collage, paper folding, and mark making to create narrative art. Projects will employ strategies of “thinking less and making more” in order to expand both the materials and making techniques of students and the narratives that drive their artwork. In addition to art-making, there will be discussion sessions to identify narrative themes and interest present in student projects.
This class, designed for those interested in hand-lettering, will teach the basics of modern calligraphy: writing posture, ink control, and composition.
Write a carefully edited 400- to 600-word statement specific to your program:
Describe a team project you have been involved in. What was the goal of the project? What was your role? What did you learn from the process? Was the project successful?
Choose one of the following:
A portfolio of artwork is not required. However, visual documentation of the project described in your personal statement may be uploaded as a portfolio.
Your portfolio is the most important part of your application. It is evaluated on artistic and conceptual content, design and composition, technical skill, and creative potential.
Include the following four subjects in your portfolio:
At least one of these subjects must be represented in an observational drawing. Do not work from photographs or another artist’s work. Include a full value scale (from light to dark) and background. Use your eyes, imagination, and creativity. The remaining three subjects may be composed in the media of your choice.
Additionally, include eight to sixteen pieces of finished artwork that show your technical skills and idea development. It helps to submit work from a variety of media to best demonstrate your abilities; any medium is acceptable. Sketches may only be submitted to show idea development of submitted completed pieces.
MA in graphic and web design applicants should submit ten pieces that demonstrate your strongest work. Applicants with experience in interactive media should submit a selection of no more than ten screenshots and may submit a video no more than three minutes in length.
Submit 10 pieces that demonstrate design principles (professional, academic, personal) and readiness for the MA in graphic and web design.
Personal Video Statement (optional)
Submit twenty pieces demonstrating your strongest work in your chosen discipline. All film and video work in excess of fifteen minutes should include a three-minute sample video as well as the full-length work. Applicants with an emphasis in interactive media should submit no more than twenty screenshots; in addition, interactive applicants may submit a video (three minutes max) demonstrating the piece. Applicants may link to media on YouTube, Vimeo, and SoundCloud via Slideroom. The quality of presentation is taken into consideration by the graduate committee.
使用可用的任何工具(例如电话,笔记本电脑-预计不会产生很高的产值)来制作时长不超过三分钟的视频。如果您对视频有疑问,或者对制作视频有障碍(互联网连接,设备等),请联系 [email protected]。请将此视频视为对话的开始,如果您进入研究生课程,对话将继续。
我现在就读于多大密村,这边不像主校那么繁华也没有主校那么难。相对好进入并且好毕业一点。我修了双专业,CS和MATH 平时除了回家能打几把dota基本没有其它时间去娱乐。所以想让准备去多大读书的学弟学妹们知道,你们的噩梦才刚刚开始,不说了我去写作业了…………
需要申主校Rotaman是要录视频的。你首先要有个电脑可以有摄像头和麦克风,网速要好。一Video和两个Essay。一个是100字20分钟内写完,一个是250字30分钟写完。题目我记得我当时做的事,你最尊敬的人,和珍惜的物品。video是 make an impression的一次经历。一分钟准备录两分钟。然后随便写个Feedback就可以了。其实准备充分问题不大的
我目前是utm大三ccit和eco的double major的学生,高中从多伦多毕业,大一的时候来到mississauga这个陌生的城市感觉很孤独,后来慢慢认识了学校里的同学。每天一起泡图书馆复习,一起赶due,一起打狼人杀。可以说是一段痛并快乐着的经历哈哈哈。给utm4星可能就是因为mississauga这边实在没啥好吃的吧 :)))
2009年进多大,2013年Rotman毕业…太多想说的反倒没什么可说,主校区百余栋建筑没谁在毕业前走过;忘不了Robarts门口每日定点守候的餐车;透过图书馆落地窗看过的日升日落… 反正是人生中最难忘怀的4年。
2012-2016在utm度过 整个学校坐落在森林里 比较安静 而且经常能看见野生的鹿在学校里走 比较酷眩。教学楼都很新 有些在我走的时候还在建造 现在估计造完了 所以设施来说没得说。gym也是多大三个校区里最好的 可是平时比较懒 没怎么去~ 对于周边生活来说 吃饭的点无非黄金广场周边那几家 最近也有新开几家别的餐厅 可以叫FoodHwy点餐平台 也算比较方便啦。逛街的话有sq1 但是相比起来我还是prefer稍远一点的sherwaygarden 那个mall超高大上 推荐一下~ 总体来说在utm的四年下来还是很愉快的。推荐五星好评~ 有miss的大小事可以滴滴我 wx:309437451
多大有三个校区,外面都传言两个分校比较水,但实际去过才会知道一点都不简单!每学期都有学长跟我说有水课,但教授出题仍然难得要死,天天都在忙着赶due ,所谓的简单只是相对于那些学霸来说的。要是想拿个不错的成绩,天天熬夜就更是少不了的,考试之前基本就是每天睡在图书馆的